Categoria: Sober living
What Happens When You Stop Drinking Alcohol?
Alcohol withdrawal can be a difficult process and the assessment for alcohol-related physical problems, mental health problems and social support should be undertaken routinely, but there is hope for those who are struggling. With the right support, individuals can successfully detox and begin the journey to a sober life. While doing alcohol detox, it’s important…
What are the Models of Addiction?
Research has shown that spirituality can play a significant role in addiction recovery, with many individuals reporting that their spiritual beliefs or practices have been instrumental in their ability to overcome addiction. Furthermore, studies have demonstrated that individuals who engage in spiritual practices, such as prayer, meditation, or involvement in a spiritual community, may experience…
Amphetamine Addiction: Signs, Effects, & Treatment
Nevertheless, studies have indicated that the self-report of drug-related problems is reliable, as long as participation is voluntary and results remain confidential [27]. There were few relevant studies of pharmacological treatments in combination with BCBT. Due to the limited number of studies, conducting a meta-analysis was not feasible. Furthermore, combining the outcomes from the…
Alcohol Detox Foods: 6 Types of Food to Eat When Detoxing From Alcohol
One reason this occurs is because blood sugar levels are known to fluctuate during early recovery, causing someone to crave sugar more than usual. Sugar can also provide a dopamine release, which can feel especially satisfying for someone already craving the dopamine burst alcohol provides. This can be desirable for those managing withdrawal symptoms like…
Family Therapy for Addiction: Types & Benefits
Stephen current lives in the Buffalo Area and he is a founding member of the Buffalo/Niagara Peer Collaborative. In her first role with ILI, Shannon worked with local high school students with disabilities and assisted them in making plans and connections to services for their post high school lives. In this role, Shannon developed, implemented,…